Kenneth Branagh has been a busy man. Fresh off of announcing his pick to play the Thunder God, Thor, in Marvel Studios latest superhero epic, now he's managed to secure his arch nemesis. Tom Hiddleston has been tapped to take on Loki, Thor's evil half-brother in the 2011 film. Hiddleston is a classicly trained actor who has worked with Branagh on a couple of different occasions, most notably in the BBC series Wallander.
Never heard of the guy, but judging by the photos he certainly has the look down for Loki, since I'm assuming they aren't going with the current Marvel Comics version of the trickster god who just happens to be a female. Don't ask how that happened. This Thor project is really pulling into shape right now, and although I've never been a big Thor fan I have to admit I'm pretty excited over this. Now for the Warriors Three!