
Coming Soon: Universal Soldier: Regeneration

Bad titles aside I can without a doubt say I was hyped up for this flick before I saw frame 1. Universal Soldier is without a doubt Van Damme's best big budget action flick and it really had a great premise, throw in the fact that they got not just JCVD but also his original nemesis Dolph Lundgren and you have a fan in me. Still I was aprehensive about my giddyness as this is a direct to DVD sequel to a movie that came out 20 years ago starring two stars of yesteryear (I refuse to use the term washed up, sorry). Needless to say I was stoked to see the trailer online thanks to the guys at /Film, and as I watched it I did not see a cheesy money grab but a real try at good sequel. Now a trailer is meant to showcase the best a movie has to offer but I'm going to remain optomistic and say that this awesome trailer means we will have at least a halfway decent movie on our hands. The DVD hits shelves February 2010. Check out the trailer below and let me know what you think!