Of all the things I would've wanted to see director Matthew Vaughn tackle after the spectacular Kick-Ass, a big screen version of Bloodshot ranks maybe a notch above The Get Along Gang Returns. Bloodshot was a popular 1990's comics character under the Valiant banner(then Acclaim). A mafia hitman betrayed by the mob, the FBI uses nanites to rebuild his brain and body, turning him into a ruthless killing machine. For the record, that description describes about 90% of the comic book characters during that time period.
Latino Review reports that Vaughn will be directing the film, along with co-scripting duties alongside Jane Goldman. Goldman has worked with Vaughn in the past on both Kick-Ass and Stardust.
For the record, Mark Miller, Kick-Ass creator and close friend to Vaughn, says that the story is outdated and that the project was
passed up on months ago.
Let's hope so. Bloodshot was a terrible character, revived during a bad period in the comic industry. Any story that can be done with Bloodshot we've already seen twice in both Punisher movies. Vaughn is too good of a director for some crap like this(Hello, he directed
Layer Cake
!). I'm still holding out hope that he'll tackle one of the upcoming X-men films instead, or at the very least something more interesting than Bloodshot.