
JONAH HEX trailer preview

I never got a look at the preview footage of Jonah Hex presented at Comic-Con last year. Not because I wasn't interested, quite the opposite. It had more to do with every video I saw being pre-cursored by sweaty, geeky fans who appeared to be filming while riding a unicycle. Me no likey shakey cam.

So I had to wait a year, big whoop. A full trailer is due out soon, possibly this week, but SyFy Channel presented a sneak peek, which frankly is too jumbled to make much of. It does little more than give us a brief glimpse at how the world of Jonah Hex is going to look, but that's really about all it does.

One thing I know for sure is that Josh Brolin was the PERFECT choice to play the scarred vigilante. If you'll recall, at one point Thomas Jane was lobbying heavily for the part but eventually lost out to Brolin, who has been on a roll the last few years ever since his part in Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror.

Take a gander at this sneak peek, followed by some additional info...

Jonah Hex is due to hit theaters on June 18, 2010. Stars Josh Brolin, John Malkovich, Will Arnett, Michael Fassbender, Megan Fox, and Michael Shannon.