
Review: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

At this point it seems a question as old as time; Team Edward or Team Jacob? Does Eclipse, the latest installment of the Twilight phenomenon answer this question or leave us still thirsting (no pun intended) for more? Well, I can’t very well tell you that in the opening paragraph now can I? What I can tell you is that this movie is so much more than a supernatural love triangle. Amidst all of the love triangle drama that we were introduced to in the first two movies it appears someone is assembling an army of vampire “newborns”, freshly made vamps. These newborns are stronger, faster and more vicious than their more seasoned counterparts and are causing havoc in nearby Seattle. It doesn’t take long for the Cullen’s, our friendly neighborhood vampire coven, to realize that whatever is going on in Seattle is coming to their town, Forks, with its crosshairs pointed squarely at Edward Cullen’s love and the center of our story, Bella. The murders in Seattle cause tension, than an uneasy agreement between the Cullen’s and the Native American Werewolf pack associated with the third part of our love triangle, Jacob. With the tension between the three young lover’s mirroring the tensions between their associated clans this vampire army could not come at a worse time. Both clans and young lovers must find a way to put aside their differences and join forces or put at risk both young Bella and the town of Forks. All the while Bella holds the most of anyone known to man on her young shoulders as she must decide possibly the toughest of choices…Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Generally this is where I would start to rip this movie apart based on cheesey dialogue and unnecessary shirtless scenes. While these things are definitely present the sum or the films parts more than makes up for it. That’s right, I’m on board for this one, I had fun…I enjoyed this movie. There I said it and it’s credit can go to many places but rests mainly on the character of Jasper. An expanded vampire character of the Cullen clan, Jasper brings history and depth to the characters as well as some sick action scenes and honestly just a break from the middle school love story. I know it is the question on the tip of every 12-50 year old woman/girl’s tounge but I could really care less who Bella chooses. That being said I thought they did a much better job this time around of making the love angle watchable. The awkward dynamic of the three is handled very well and brings about quite a few really good laughs. To be honest the movie on a whole was pretty damn funny, something I was certainly not expecting. Something else I wasn’t expecting, to contradict myself almost immediately, was the depth of emotion that was brought to Edward’s character. Jacob, to me, is still shallow…as is Bella, but Edward seems to have real emotion, real thought and a deep caring for Bella’s character that truly comes out in this film. A kind of selfless emotion that can only be found through finding one’s true love the way he clearly has in Bella.

Now, in an effort to retrieve my man card let’s talk fights! While I don’t really dig the way the vamps break like marble when they are killed I can say that this flick brings the real violence that any red blooded man wants to see when he hears werewolf and vampire in the same sentence. There’s a lot wrong with the final battle in my eyes but that’s mostly aesthetics, I think they should be werewolves and not just wolves, there’s the bit about breaking apart I mentioned earlier and then there should have been more casualties on the friendly side to invest us more emotionally. That stuff aside the final battle was pretty cool, seeing the Cullen clan and the wolves working together against a (small) army of vampires was fairly bad ass. I also insert here that every member of the Cullen clan is infinitely cooler than Edward Cullen, Peter Facinelli is great as Carlisle Cullen and I already mentioned Jasper, who just made the movie for me, and that’s not even to mention Ashley Greene as Alice Cullen…aces, just aces.

Wow, didn’t think this was going to be so hard for me to say….wait for it…I’m trying………….Go see Twilight: Eclipse. Seriously though, I’m kidding about that being hard to say, I’m gonna own it, this was a good fun to watch movie. While there were some slow parts and some of the script could’ve been written in a more adult way (read: not written like an 8th grade love letter), I had a good time with it. Honestly I probably would’ve laughed more and gotten more of the movie but I couldn’t hear everything over the “OHHHH JACCOOOBBBB” screams and general swooning. Really kid, we get it you’re buff now put a shirt on…or at least make Ashley Greene spend an equal amount of time shirtless, hey, it’s only fair. Oh, one last thing……TEAM EDWARD!

3.5 out of 5 Guttenberg’s