
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 and The Old Republic--Cinematic Trailer

First a TV show post, now a video game post...what are you guys literally going Punch Drunk, you're a movie site! Yeah yeah, I know, but being a certified card carrying fanboy of the Holy trilogy I am obligated to bring you this new trailer for the follow up to the smash hit Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. To be honest I'm not sure where the line between movie and video game is anymore, these things are getting so damn cinematic that before long they will be one and the same, so as far as I see it I'm ahead of the curve! Anyway check out the trailer below and let us know what you think. Personally, if the prequel trilogy had been a bit more like this, or hell even just had someone wield a lightsaber like this, I think there would be a lot less haters.

UPDATE: Here's the trailer for the new Star Wars MMORPG, The Old Republic. This trailer, like the other, has me saying a big WTF. How can they make trailers that are singly better than all of Episode I or II. This theme is SOOO much better then Lucas' kid friendly, make that toy friendly, theme of the prequels. After seeing these I could be all for a SW CGI TV show...as long as the same people that are writing these games are behind it!