
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn in 3-D? R-Rated? (Spoilers)

There could be a couple of spoilers within, so those who know absolutely nothing about what happens next in Twilight might want to skip this for now.

At this point I don't know what to expect out the Twilight franchise. I've heard promises of some weird and wacky goings on in the upcoming flicks. Stuff like vampire births and wild orgies or something like that. From what I hear it gets downright strange. So far all I've seen is a lot of furtive glances and pining over people who never seem to be all that far away. It's pretty annoying. With Eclipse right around the corner, and Breaking Dawn finally confirmed as being broken down into two films, producer Wyck Godfrey had a lot to say about the future of the Twilight franchise.

In his interview with Fearnet, he brings up a couple of subjects that actually caught my attention. One being the possibility of Breaking Dawn gaining an R-rating, especially for the upcoming "birth" scene(for those that don't know anything I won't elaborate further). Here's what Godfrey had to say on that...

Godfrey: NC-17. We're going full on X. [Laughs] Do they have triple-X anymore? I believe fully, I'm unwavering in my belief that these will be PG-13 movies. And really, I say that not because I know what we're shooting but because I feel that they should be. I feel like the audience of the books and the movies, many of them are under 18; my ten-year-old son goes to these movies, I can't make an R-rated conclusion to the franchise.

That's unfortunate. I'm not surprised by it, since Twilight is aimed mostly at the teen demo, cutting them off would be a humongous faceplant by the studio. Although I must admit the idea of Edward and Bella goin' at it like Bill and Sooky does have some appeal.

I've previously stated that I would no longer comment on any movies announcing they'll be in 3-D, but this is an exception because it this might be a situation where it makes perfect sense. Godfrey had this to say on the possibility of Breaking Dawn being shot using the extra dimension...

Godfrey: We have considered it, and everything's being discussed, but I know that part of a way to differentiate the two movies would be to have one be in 2D, and when she becomes a vampire we move into 3D. But we haven't really gotten far enough to decide what we're going to do. I'm of two minds of it, frankly, and I think everyone is; I don't want to chase the format if it's not organic and appropriate. If we think it is, we will.

I love the idea of Breaking Dawn being in 3-D, at least after Bella's transformation because one of the things Twilight so desperately needs is a visual makeover. I know that one of the points of the series is how cloudy and gray the area which they live is, but I don't care, it makes for a boring flick. Since the 3-D would be integral to the plot, showing Bella's viewpoint as a vampire, this would be an instance where it has some real meaning. The problem arises when the DVD hits store shelves. Would the story still make sense to those who don't have 3-D available to them?