Deadline has the scoop on who just might get the chance to don the Prez's iconic top hat and beard. Adrien Brody, Timothy Olyphant, James D'arcy, Benjamin Walker, Josh Lucas, and Oliver Jackson-Cohen are all testing for the role right now.
Brody, Olyphant, and Lucas are the most known commodities, although I feel like Lucas would have the most to gain by nabbing the role. Then again, he's had a number of opportunites at leading man success and never cashed in on any of them. Walker, some might recall, was initially going to be cast as the Beast in X-men: First Class, but dropped out. Oliver Jackson-Cohen was last seen as the Killer going up against Dwayne Johnson in Faster
A release date of June 22nd 2012 has already been nailed down, so expect to see a leading man confirmed sooner rather than later. I'm hoping for Olyphant, personally. He's done the historical bit before, and knows his way around action better than almost anybody else on the list.