
Andy Serkis Officially signs on to The Hobbit

This'll come as no surprise to anyone but now it's confirmed that Andy Serkis will be reprising his role as Gollum in The Hobbit. The report comes from Deadline, which also notes some unexpected names who might be returning as well.

We've known that Elijah Wood was coming back as Frodo, as well as Cate Blanchett as Galadriel. Orlando Bloom has been rumored to return as the elf, Legolas, and Ian McKellen should be signing on as Gandalf any time now. What's unexpected is that Christopher Lee is reportedly in talks to return as the evil Saruman, along with Ian Holm as an older Bilbo Baggins. Just bring the whole cast back already!

I have to assume that Hugo Weaving must fit in this equation somewhere since Elrond was actually in The Hobbit to the best of my knowledge. Then again he might be too busy with Captain America: The First Avenger.

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