
Bridesmaids break out star Melissa McCarthy with two projects in the works

Melissa McCarthy's performance as the unhinged Megan in Bridesmaids is the type that makes people stand up and take notice. Y'know the way people suddenly knew who the heck Zach Galifianakis was after The Hangover? It's like that, but only much funnier. McCarthy's been around a long time and has had a number of fine supporting performances, earning a big chunk of fans as Sookie on the WB series, Gilmore Girls. But Bridesmaids might put her over the top, and it looks like two of her Bridesmaids cohorts are eager to get her even more into the spotlight.

Deadline reports that McCarthy, along with Bridesmaids writer Annie Mumolo, have sold an untitled comedy pitch to Paramount that would see her as the lead. The idea was cooked up by Ben Falcone, McCarthy's husband who also had a bit part in Bridesmaids. Remember the Air Marshall? That's him. The premise would see her stealing the Stanley Cup in order to help her husband recover from an illness.

And then there's Bridesmaids director Paul Feig, who appears to have a particular fondness for McCarthy, telling Entertainment Weekly that he's got a romantic comedy in the works specifically for the comedienne. Not much more detail than that, but with Bridesmaids already doing much better numbrs at the box office than people expected, I expect these will be the first of many such deals headed her way. To me that's an awesome thing.