
Dreamworks plans 'Starbuck' remake

One of the best movies I saw at this year's FilmFest DC was Starbuck, one of the most successful and beloved Canadian comedies of all time. Written and directed by Ken Scott, this unique little film told the story of a middle aged, well-meaning loser(Patrick Huard), who donated sperm on a regular basis as a young man, only to discover twenty years later that he now has over 500 children. To make matters worse, they're all suing to have his identity revealed.

It's a film that seems ready made for a Hollywood remake, and apparently Dreamworks agrees. Variety reports that Ken Scott has been brought on to write/direct an American version of his film, with production set to start later this year and the casting search already begun.

I mentioned Judd Apatow in my review, and Huard perfectly embodied that guy who never quite grew up in the way most adult men do. He's a big kid, albeit with a heart of pure gold. It'd be great if Huard could return, I could also see someone like Steve Carell or Will Ferrell fit the role just as well. Maybe even Seth Rogen.

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