Terrence Malick? Really? That's what some are comparing the footage of Zack Snyder's Man of Steel to, just minutes after premiered here at Comic-Con. Not sure if I can buy into that. It's an odd comparison, but Snyder's tried to tone down his style in fits and starts in the past, and apparently is doing it again here. Christopher Nolan's influence as exec-producer appears to be rubbing off, as the general consensus is that it's very much of a reflection of his Batman movies, with the focus heavily on the "man" part of Superman's story, dealing with family legacies, and growing into his role in the world.
Also, Snyder revealed that a teaser trailer for the film would precede showings of The Dark Knight Rises when it opens next week. I expect we'll see the teaser poster, also at today's event, to emerge before then. Man of Steel hits theaters on June 13, 2013.
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