
Punch Drunk DVD's

Here are your Punch Drunk DVD's for July 10th (I'm a day late):

American Reunion: Thank you, American Pie series. Thank you for making me laugh, setting goals for teenage debauchery, changing the way we look at dessert, then devolving into a second rate "National Lampoon's Presents" and finally reminding my generation that we are no longer that young. By the way, it's not such a blasty to turn 30, watching it in two hour cliche format...even less. 

On the lighter side if you were waiting to see just what happened to Jim and the gang 'Reunion' does provide some of that and to be fair it does offer quite a few laughs. A rental, for closure purposes. 

The Three Stooges: It's not that this wasn't a good movie, it's just that it's comedy for a different generation. The 'Stooges' invented slapstick in the late 30's and have made people laugh ever since. Nostalgia will do that, there's a lot of people that think flapper dresses are just the bee's knees still but I don't see them lighting the fashion world on fire still. 

For what it's worth Will Sasso and co. do a great job bringing Larry, Curly and Moe back to the big screen and I had a lot of good laughs throughout. Just remember before buying that my taste for comedy can be especially juvenile, downright infantile even. Most should skip, some should rent, those wishing to complete some kind of super-duper Stooge library should buy. 

Being Flynn: A movie that popped up in a few times in our 'Best of 2012...so far' special "Being Flynn" is a film about the power of bond between father and son. Robert DeNiro and Paul Dano star and as much as I've said over and again that Dano will be forever scary to me thanks to his role in the Angelina Jolie thriller 'Taking Lives' he really has started to turn the corner on me by holding his own with DeNiro in this movie. 

While maybe not the kind of movie that you would just randomly pop in on a Thursday afternoon it still warrants a slot in your home library if emotional dramas are a favored genre. For everyone else it is, at a minimum, a rental.