One of the main reasons why Sony relaunched their Spider-Man franchise to begin with was that they didn't feel comfortable with the ballooning costs of keeping the high profile Sam Raimi and Co. So they got relative newcomer Marc Webb(500 Days of Summer) on the cheap, roughly for $1M to shoot the franchise flick. There were some rumblings over the last few months Webb was looking for a well-deserved pay raise, and Sony predictably was shaky on giving it to him.
That all appears to be in the rear view now as THR confirms not only will Webb has officially signed on to return, but also star Andrew Garfield. Emma Stone is still in negotiations to come back as Gwen Stacy, although we know they aren't dumb enough to let her go. The Amazing Spider-Man hauled in just over $750M, which isn't that much less than what Raimi's first film took in.
Filming is set to begin early next year, with Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci(Transformers) hired back in April to pen the script. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 opens on May 2nd 2014.
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