
The Kaiju attack in new 'Pacific Rim' viral footage

All day while I've been gone it seems the Pacific Rim viral campaign kicked into overdrive. Viral campaigns are usually pointless and have little impact on the final product, but some of this stuff we're seeing for Guillermo Del Toro's monster flick is impressive.Warner Bros. are really going all out to hype this thing.

First, an awesome "news" reel of one of the giant monsters, known as "Kaiju", attacking San Francisco. It's our first look at the creatures in action and it's obvious these things are going to be gigantic. It gives us just enough of a look to whet our appetites, but thankfully keeps enough hidden that there may be some surprises left for the trailer. I expect there will be a lot more coming from the viral site over the next few months, and those who spend their days obsessing over this stuff can do all the hard work in revealing it.

Also, we have some cool blueprint schematics of three Jaegers, the gigantic robots the humans will pilot into battle against the Kaiju. Each Jaeger appears to be from a different country, as this is a global war against the creatures, and if you look closely at the images you can see a human at the bottom, showing just how massive these 'bots are intended to be. Holy crap. Pacific Rim stars Charlie Hunnam, Rinko Kikuchi, Idris Elba, Ron Perlman, Charlie Day, and opens on July 12th 2013....[Eiga/Wired]