New posters for 'After Earth', 'Kiss of the Damned', and 'Room 237'
It was only a week ago that we received the new trailer and poster for M. Night Shyamalan's After Earth, and I have to say they were both pretty impressive. Visually, the film sets itself apart from the similarly-toned Oblivion (with Tom Cruise), and looks like a solid "race for your life" action film. A new international poster has been released today, centering on Will and Jaden Smith with a forest growing out of their chests or something. Their first pairing since The Pursuit of Happyness has them as legendary military commander and son who crash land on a dangerous future version of Earth, with the only hope of survival to make a dangerous journey and activating a rescue beacon. After Earth opens on June 7th.
Emerging out of nowhere as one of my most anticipated films of the month is Xan Cassavetes' vampire thriller Kiss of the Damned. Capturing a vibe reminiscent of Italian horrors and Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, the film follows the troubled romance between the beautiful vampire Djuna (Josephine de La Baume) and her human lover (Milo Ventimiglia). Shocktilyoudrop has a new variant poster for the film, which is currently playing at SXSW. Look for it to hit VOD on March 28th.
EW has released a new poster for Rodney Ascher's brilliant documentary, Room 237. The film deals with the many unanswered questions and potential meanings in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, although it doesn't exactly have the endorsement of Kubrick's estate. Oh well, that that won't stop the marketing campaign from overtly referencing the film, such as in this one-sheet which is clearly an homage of The Shining's design. Room 237 arrives on March 29th.