
Watch out for the mirror! New clip from Fede Alvarez's 'Evil Dead'

There's been more talk about Sam Raimi's Evil Dead now than ever before, and only some of it has to do with all of the hype surrounding potential sequels of his original, Bruce Campbell-led trilogy. A good deal of the buzz is about Fede Alvarez's remake, which many looked upon with skepticism when it was first announced, but now has earned rave reviews from those lucky enough to catch it early.

With a marketing campaign proudly boasting this would be the scariest movie you'll ever see, a new clip has emerged to give you just a small taste of the horrors we're all in store for. The brief scene features a traumatized Jessica Lucas, and it involves a mirror that seems to have a mind of its own. Have mirrors ever been a good thing in movies like this?

Starring Jane Levy, Shiloh Fernandez, Lou Taylor Pucci, and Elizabeth Blackmore, Evil Dead hits theaters on April 5th.