
'Dumb and Dumber' Sequel Passed Over; Owen Wilson Joins 'Loomis Fargo'

Despite nobody really asking for it, there was a lot of talk going on about a Dumb and Dumber sequel. Most of this was by the Farrelly Brothers last year, but stars Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey got in the discussion, as well. Yet despite all of that, the film never really seemed to be on firm ground, and Carrey even left the project last June because Warner Bros. wasn't as interested as he thought they should be. A year later and their disinterest has led to them finally pulling the plug.

THR says that Warner Bros. has passed on the film, which would have been titled Dumb and Dumber To (ugh) and follow buffoons Harry and Lloyd as they hit the road to locate Harry's illegitimate daughter for a kidney transplant (double ugh). The film can still be taken to another studio, and considering the talent and name recognition don't be surprised if it's picked up on the cheap.

So one project dies for Carrey while another picks up a dose of starpower. He's been attached to star in the action comedy Loomis Fargo, from Napoleon Dynamite director Jared Hess. While a new title is on the way (Loomis Fargo just sounds like a box office dud, doesn't it?), Owen Wilson is joining Carrey in the film which is based on a true story of David Scott Ghannt, a disgruntled armored truck driver who robbed the  Loomis Fargo & Company bank. Getting away with nearly $20M, he were eventually double-crossed by his crew, captured, and nearly all of the money recovered. Filming was to begin back in April, but will likely wait until Wilson is finished with Paul Thomas Anderson's Inherent Vice. [Deadline]