
Is Karen Gillan Playing Angela in 'Guardians of the Galaxy'?

There are rumors, and then are are "I just crapped my pants" level rumors that hit the web on only rare occasions. This latest one is of the latter, as it not only has some level of substance to it, but it involves a major character in the Marvel Comics universe, one that was only recently acquired from superstar author Neil Gaiman. The story, which sprang up on the NeoGaf Forums, says that the role of former Doctor Who star Karen Gillan in Guardians of the Galaxy is that of Angela, the popular bounty hunter Gaiman created during his run on Todd McFarlane's Spawn.

But wait...Spawn isn't a Marvel comic, right? Well, no, but a legal dispute between Gaiman and McFarlane ended in a settlement that saw the character in Gaiman's control. He took her over to Marvel, and she's being introduced in the current Age of Ultron crossover, and will then appear in Brian Michael Bendis' relaunched Guardians of the Galaxy comic. Sound a little too neat and perfect? Then check out the Scottish newspaper clipping that sparked the rumor in the first place....

The caption clearly reads: "Karen Gillan will have to be in good shape for her role as a gold bikini-clad alien villain in the Marvel comics superhero film Guardians of the Galaxy. The former Doctor Who star will play Angela, a flame-haired, sword-wielding bounty hunter. The 25-year old Scot – the Time Lord’s companion Amy Pond – begins filming in London later this summer."

With all of the intergalactic bounty hunters running around the Marvel Universe, why would they pick Angela? Well, why not? Does there need to be any specific reason beyond it would be really cool? Ok, well how about that her first appearances were some of the highest-selling comics at the time? The only thing they would likely need to do is tweak her heavenly origin into something more cosmic. And hey, Gillan clearly has the crimson locks for the role. It'd be interesting to hear what Gaiman has to say about this rumor, and if perhaps he'd get involved in Marvel's cinematic franchise in some way? 

Guardians of the Galaxy continues to be the most fascinating comic book film in development right now. With filming set to begin soon, we should be hearing about a finalized cast line-up soon. [ScreenRant]