
'Man of Steel 2' Rumors on Jason Momoa's Role, Wonder Woman, Arrow, and More

Filming on Man of Steel 2, frustratingly still referred to as Batman vs. Superman, should begin very soon, which means we will start getting answers to some long-held questions. While rumors continue to swirl, and have really picked up as of late, Batman On Film is one of the more reliable sources of information for anything involving the Dark Knight. One of their more authoritative voices is "Jett", and he answered a number of reader questions that could shed some new light on a few things. Here's a quick summary of what he revealed, courtesy of the guys over at CBM....

- Jason Mamoa will not be Martian Manhunter or Aquaman. Neither character is in the film.

- Wonder Woman could have “cameo plus” type role in the film, on par with what Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow did in Iron Man 2

- Expects the first look at Ben Affleck in early 2014 right around the time they will start filming in February.

- Has been told that the film is truly a Superman sequel and not a secret Justice League film like everyone suspects.

- Thinks that Arrow being included in the DC Movie Universe is wishful thinking.

- Believes we will get another Superman sequel without any other DC characters.

- Character wise he expects Batman to be, “ a healthy amount of Dark Knight Returns, a bit of Kingdom Come, and just a dash of Batman Beyond.”

- No Batman villains will be included.

- Doesn’t expect any shade of blue or tights for the Batsuit. More armor with Beyond and or Kingdom Come capabilities.

He also confirms Lex Luthor will be in the film, which we sort of already suspected, and that there is indeed another villain that he can't reveal just yet. Bets are on it being Doomsday or perhaps Darkseid, either of which could be played convincingly by Momoa.

It makes sense there would be some concern over too many characters crowding into what should be a Man of Steel sequel, but it sounds as if Warner Bros. is smart enough not to let Superman get lost in the shuffle. There are ways of introducing Wonder Woman, Flash, and whoever else make an appearance without veering too far off course into Justice League territory.

Nothing too revelatory but there's still some solid info in there. Man of Steel 2 arrives July 17th 2015.