Exploring with humor the thin line between creative genius and insanity, the Lenny Abrahamson-directed comedy stars Fassbender as Frank, the leader of an underground band known as Soronprfbs. Domhnall Gleeson is Jon, an aspiring musician with no life experience and questionable talent who becomes their new keyboardist (they have trouble keeping them sane) just in time to record a new album. But Jon's desire to reach a wider audience clashes with the group's decidedly un-mainstream sound, threatening to pull them apart. Maggie Gyllenhaal and Scoot McNairy co-star in two completely batty roles that make the masked Frank seem stable by comparison.
See Michael Fassbender as Never Before in New 'Frank' Photos
Exploring with humor the thin line between creative genius and insanity, the Lenny Abrahamson-directed comedy stars Fassbender as Frank, the leader of an underground band known as Soronprfbs. Domhnall Gleeson is Jon, an aspiring musician with no life experience and questionable talent who becomes their new keyboardist (they have trouble keeping them sane) just in time to record a new album. But Jon's desire to reach a wider audience clashes with the group's decidedly un-mainstream sound, threatening to pull them apart. Maggie Gyllenhaal and Scoot McNairy co-star in two completely batty roles that make the masked Frank seem stable by comparison.