
Check Out the First 10 Minutes of 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'

Exactly how far does one's need to see everything early go? Trailers, movie clips, TV spots, featurettes, it all becomes a little much when it comes to blockbuster studio films, and Marvel has been more than willing to feed us as much promo material as possible for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. With screenings now having taken place in a number of cities, the positive buzz has been building, enough that Marvel was confident enough to date the sequel. Now they're going to whet fan appetites even more by releasing the opening ten minutes. Without giving too much away, the opening scenes offer up a taste of the action and the humor, while also introducing us to the friendship between Captain America and Falcon.

Not sure why Disney has made the decision to release this now with the film so close to opening. It's not like Veronica Mars giving us the opening two minutes because that was about re-introducing a long dormant character. The Marvel audience already have their calendars checked off for April 4th when Captain America: The Winter Soldier opens.