
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Debrief: Episode 1.22, "Beginning of the End"

Finally, we are at the end of the first season of Agents of SHIELD. AoS was a show that started off with a bang and slowly trailed off into undirected boredom. It then proceeded to right itself once it hard connected to Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and got a creative boost and some more fan appreciation as the show has sprinted toward its first endpoint. Now I’m not going to lie, I had to sit on this episode for a little bit. Most of the reaction I saw from people was very good, but for me, I felt underwhelmed. Everything seemed to wrap up a bit too easy and in a very short period of time. So let’s run through what happened here in this finale.

The show opens cold with a guy getting his orientation to Cybertek and his new role as a Deathlok controller. This cuts us directly to where we saw Team Coulson last week and in short order Coulson, May, Triplett, and Skye take out these cyborg super soldiers with ease. Skye runs off to put her little hack into HYDRA’s computer network with Triplett getting knocked down a little as Coulson takes out some of these guys with pistols (really tho?) and May straight jacks the Berserker staff and proceeds to beat up fools and then collapses the whole room by knocking out pillars as the team escapes.

Ward is all antsy, not really sure of his place, as Garrett has become a complete cartoon supervillain lunatic (but I must say Bill Paxton seemed to be having a great time in this role). Reina continues her thing about not caring about any of this and just about potential, and Garrett now with what he feels is his new understanding gets what she is after and lets her and Quinn’s people take the gravitonium. Garrett starts to scratch into some glass a bunch of symbols as he continues to blab on about what he now knows. Ward is there clueless but is told he just cares about Skye and that they need Skye soon, "that is your new mission." Now at the same time what’s left of Team Coulson is now plotting on hitting Cybertek hard to stop Garrett and HYDRA.

Now remember that giant cube FitzSimmons was stuck in? Well, it sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Fitz protected Simmons from the fall and broke his arm but at the same time was trying to figure out a way to get the cube up. They figure out a way to break the glass so that they can escape and get to the surface along with making a makeshift beacon. Being that there isn’t enough air and Simmons is a better swimmer, Fitz decides to do the heroic sacrifice while also admitting his feelings to Simmons. She refuses to let him die and she carries him up to the surface where they are picked up by Nick Fury. Nick Fury gives them a rundown of things, along with wanting to know where Coulson is and people him is after for some payback.

So Ian Quinn is doing the big sell to those US military officials and things are going well until Garrett comes in all crazy talking nonsense as Quinn looks on beyond frustrated. When Team Coulson attacks Garrett flips out and kills one of the high-ranking military officials by ripping out a rib. I don’t know why one rib, but I guess that’s all the gore they could have on ABC at the beginning of prime time. With Triplett handling things outside, Coulson gets in to find Garrett at the same time May and Skye gets into Cybertek offices to stop all the Deathlok soldiers. We also learn about Cybertek’s incentive program, which is that they hold on to people’s loved ones to make them work for them. While Skye is finding out information and hacking the Deathloks, Ward finds her and they have an exchange and what happens next is that May comes in and proceeds to H.A.M. on Ward.

When Coulson finds Garrett in his full crazy, he learns firsthand what the new Garrett can do as he is smacked across the room. Next Garrett gives a bad guy speech as more goons appear and as Mike real deal Deathlok unhappily looks on ready to body Coulson with the quickness. Well as Coulson gets up he see Nick Fury and they have a few words and he gives Coulson his Destroyer cannon from Avengers. From that point, Coulson blasts the goons away and Fury unloads into Garrett. Garrett laughs and makes some dumb tag-team comments and reveals his whole plan was based off not really listening to Fury’s initiation speech. As May beats the tar out of Ward, Skye goes in and starts freeing the captured family members of people and finds Deathlok’s son Ace. The whole time Deathlok has been free of control because of Skye but was waiting until Skye could find and save Ace. Once he knows that Ace is safe with Skye, Deathlok turns his arm missiles on Garrett, blowing him up.

Even though Garrett got that new juice he is still that Betamax tech compared with Deathlok’s new PS4 tech (pardon my set top box examples). When Garrett asks for mercy, Deathlok proceeds to stomp him out like fire. Now with the day saved and bad guys captured and families safe, Ward gets a stern talking to while Deathlok decides to wander around making up for all the wrong he has done under the control of Garrett. The team reunites with Simmons and they learn that Fitz is alive but won’t be the same again. Coulson gets to finally get off his chest everything to Fury, with Fury responding that May had his back and that Coulson is important and that agents like him are the heart of SHIELD. He then makes Coulson the new Director of SHIELD and asks him to rebuild it better than it ever was.

The episode ends with Reina the girl with the flower dress walking into a dilapidated house and talking to a person who all we see as a scarred, maybe bloody arm; she shows them Skye’s picture and tell them that she has found their daughter. The final scene is Coulson waking up in the middle of the night to carve in a wall a bunch of drawings that look like an alien language, the same as crazy Garrett was doing the previous day.

Did you know:

Well, not a bunch of Marvel comic Easter eggs; just wrapping up the season and setting up the next. I have a grander theory on what AoS means to the grander scheme and what it all leads to for the Marvel phases. Look for that soon. I hope you guys enjoyed the show and the season. I’m not going to lie: I didn’t really like the show and I don’t think I’ll be watching in next season, but I think I’ll give Agent Carter a go. Also, I live tweet 24, so if you want to see my thoughts on that follow me at @julianlytle.

Talk you to trill believers later, when I drop the knowledge of the SOURCE on you!!