
J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan Wish Fans a Happy Star Wars Day

Unless you've been sleeping under a tauntaun it's been pretty hard to avoid the Star Wars Day festivities. The fan event has already led to the release of the full Star Wars Rebels trailer, and to some pretty good deals on Star Wars merch available everywhere. But in terms of big surprises and announcements...well, not much of those. What we are getting is this short little selfie video from J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan wishing fans a happy Star Wars Day.

It's not much but Abrams does sort of confirm that more casting announcements are coming, and Kasdan seems to indicate they are still working on the script which hopefully won't be a big deal.

NASA is also getting in on the fun with this fun little video featuring everyone's favorite astromech droid, R2-D2 as he stops an Empire plot to jam a crucial transmission. Enjoy.