
Questions Answered in New 'X-men: Days of Future Past' Clip; Hugh Jackman Says 'Wolverine 3' Is His Last

There are a couple of big questions surrounding this month's X-men: Days of Future Past. One was how James McAvoy's Charles Xavier has been seen walking around when Michael Fassbender's Magneto accidentally paralyzed him in X-men: First Class. The other is how exactly they managed to be friends after something like that occurred. The latest clip from the film answers both of those questions, and suffice it to say there's quite a bit of unfinished business between the two. Kind of feel sorry for Wolverine having to get in-between them.

Speaking of Wolverine, Hugh Jackman is again talking about his desire to get away from the clawed mutant. After every movie he's basically washed his hands of the character, only to return in time for a new film. He did it after The Wolverine, which is technically the second solo film, and now he's doing it again before the third film which James Mangold is coming back to direct. When asked by SFX where the next film might go, Jackman basically said he's not officially on board, and even if he does agree (he will) it's likely to be the last time he sports the muttonchop haircut...

 Jackman:  “I haven’t signed on signed on. I’m genuinely at that point where unless it’s better than the last one I’m not going to do it.”

"If I did another one I’m 99.9% sure it would be the last, so that will inform what it is for me.”

That could prove problematic to future X-men movies if Jackman doesn't renew his contract. Bryan Singer has already stated that X-men: Apocalypse will revert back to the younger X-men: First Class squad, but there's clearly going to be an attempt by 20th Century Fox expand the franchise. Patrick Stewart has already hinted at his older version of Xavier returning, and if the plan is to bring back the original team then fans will expect Wolverine to be a part of it.

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