
Trailer for Nicholas Sparks' 'The Best of Me' Starring James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan

If the overly sentimental, wildly formulaic stylings of Nicholas Sparks are your thing, then it's fortunate you never have to wait long before another adaptation of his unusually popular books hits theaters. Like clockwork they arrive in theaters each year, ruining your boyfriend's day with the promise of sitting through another improbable story of love surviving every manner of conveniently-placed obstacle. Well, it's that time of year again, fellas, so might as well gird your loins and get ready.

The first trailer for The Best of Me looks like every other Sparks film, except this one stars James Marsden (replacing the late Paul Walker) and Michelle Monaghan, both deserving of so much more. It follows two old lovers who were split up as teens because some old guy said so, only to be reunited twenty years later when they start making up for lost time. There will be lots of hugging, making out, and jumping in large bodies of water. This  looks thin even by Sparks standards, and I can't imagine having to endure it.

Directed by Michael Hoffman with Luke Bracey and Liana Liberato co-starring, The Best of Me opens October 17th.