
'X-men: Apocalypse' to End the Trilogy; Writer Teases Cable, Scarlet Witch Appearances

Did X-men: Days of Future Past leave you scratching your head about what the heck just happened? There were something like a dozen mutants running around, three timelines getting mucked with, and at the end of it everybody we thought long gone were suddenly back and acting like nothing ever happened. As we already know, the film basically reworked the X-men timeline to fix some glaring errors, leaving the door open to the return of some old favorites. It also cleared the decks for 2016's X-men: Apocalypse, which may feature younger versions of some familiar characters.  But there's a lot more going on with the upcoming X-men film that writer Simon Kinberg was willing to reveal.

Kinberg's Yahoo! Q&A with fans turned out to be quite the treasure trove of info about X-men: Apocalypse, which the writer has said will focus on the 'First Class' group of mutants. It's also intended to be the final part of a trilogy, wrapping up the storylines of young Charles Xavier, Magneto, and Mystique...

Kinberg: “The thrust of ‘Apocalypse’ is really to complete the trilogy we began with ‘First Class’ - to complete the stories of young Raven, young Hank, younger Charles and Erik. And complete this trilogy of four people who began the films sort of disparate and in different worlds…[and who] we’ve followed through the span of decades. So that’ll be the thrust. There will be familiar characters and new characters that we haven’t seen…ever…but it’ll be the completion of what we began in ‘First Class’.”

 One of the familiar characters that is expected to return is actually pretty new to the franchise, and that's Evan Peters' Quicksilver. As most fans of the comic know, Quicksilver is the son of Magneto and brother to the Scarlet Witch, and both relationships were teased in the film. Kinberg says we may see that play out in X-men: Apocalypse, although he was somewhat non-committal. When asked about Magneto and Quicksilver, Kinberg said...

Kinberg:  “It is a fascinating relationship. Erik grew up without a family, it’s such a huge part of him, of his mission. So the idea of exploring what it means for Magneto to be a father and reconnect with a son many years after his birth, is fascinating and certainly something that would be interesting to explore in future films.

And as for Scarlet Witch?

Kinberg:  “When we made ‘DOFP’ there is a reference to her in the scene when they’re at Quicksilver’s house, but we ended up pulling it out because like a lot of things it had to be sacrificed for the main momentum of the film. It’s a character we all love, because everyone loves Quicksilver so much. The more we can do to explore his family, the better. So maybe.

He went on to add that a couple of other fan-favorite characters could be appearing. One is the British telepathic ninja (don't ask!) Psylocke, who actually had a blink-and-you'll-miss-her cameo in 'The Last Stand'. The other is Cable, the time-traveling warrior son of Cyclops and the clone of Jean Grey...again, just don't ask. About Psylocke...

Kinberg: “She’s a fan favourite, and also a favourite of mine. We have a small part that she plays in ‘Last Stand’, and we talked about including her in ‘DOFP’ quite seriously actually. There was a version of the script she was in and we even auditioned some actors in Montreal. But we didn’t feel there was enough of a part she would play in a movie that was already full of many, many mutants....“She has a cool power. I know Bryan thinks she’s a neat character so there’s certainly a chance she’ll be in an ‘X-Men’ movie some day. Hopefully there’ll be a lot of ‘X-Men’ movies and there’s lot of mutants we’re yet to fully explore onscreen, even if they’ve had cameos before. Now we’re making more films there’s a chance to dig deeper.”

If Psylocke sounds convoluted, she's got nothing on Cable. Would Kinberg be open to bringing him into X-men: Apocalypse, which already sounds complicated enough?

Kinberg:  “We also talked about including him in ‘DOFP’. I will say, we love the character, we’d love to find a place for him in these movies, but I cannot confirm or deny which characters will actually be in ‘Apocalypse’ until I read some spoiler about it online and then I have to say yes or no."

The X-men: Days of Future Past Blu-Ray will be available on October 14th, and if you're thinking of having an X-men marathon Kinberg has been nice enough to reveal the order in which you should watch them...

- ‘X-Men: First Class’
- The past part of ‘DOFP’
- ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’
- ‘X-Men’
- ‘X2’- ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’- ‘The Wolverine’- The future part of ‘Days of Future Past’

X-men: Apocalypse opens May 27th 2016.