
No, 'Batman v Superman' won't be Split into Two Movies

Is there such a thing as a "Friday news dump" for movies like there is in politics? If so, then late Friday's rumor that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice would be split into two movies would probably qualify. The story began when this image (via AICN) began making the rounds...

As you can see, it suggests that Batman v Superman would be divided into two parts, with the first titled Enter the Knight opening fairly soon on October 23rd 2015. The second would be Dawn of Justice and open in the original date of March 25th 2016. With the first trailer possibly arriving in front of Jupiter Ascending, this was looking like the time when this news was meant to be revealed to audiences. However, there was a decided lack of proof that this image was legit (the URL below it isn't official), and now Superman himself, Henry Cavill, has told Variety's Ramin Setoodeh there's no truth to any of this.

So there you have it, straight from the Kryptonian's mouth...sorta.