
Mark Ruffalo Talks 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' and Solo Hulk Movies

Maybe I'm in the minority on this one (I am), but the first two Hulk movies worked for me in very different ways. Both Eric Bana and Edward Norton captured different aspects of Bruce Banner, from his analytical mind to his caged intensity, but for some reason neither really clicked with audiences. That has obviously changed now with Mark Ruffalo in the role, and people are genuinely interested in seeing the Jade Giant get another solo movie. But first there's Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Empire chatted with Ruffalo about where we find Hulk at the beginning of the film...

Ruffalo: "I think he’s definitely matured a little bit since the last one. He’s become more acclimated to this thing and to being part of the team. I think he feels more a part of them all. But in this particular take on it, it’s a much more character-driven version of The Avengers than the first one. It gets a little deeper into each character. S.H.I.E.L.D. is not happening anymore, so there’s not that much time spent with the S.H.I.E.L.D. stuff. I feel that every character has their own cool little thing happening. I had great stuff in the last one but there’s even more stuff in this one. It’s nice, because I know this character now after playing him twice…"

 And part of that stuff Ruffalo is so interested in is the continued battle raging within Banner to maintain control of the Hulk. Considering we've already seen Iron Man bust out the Hulkbuster armor, it stands to reason that Banner gets really angry and really green at some point...

Ruffalo: "Hulk is the kind of wild card. He’s the loose cannon of the group. He’s more like an atom bomb. You could guess where he’s going to go but he could go either way. I think that there is, obviously, the day when everyone expects it to go wrong and that day comes. And they’re ready. And Bruce designed the contingency plan. As much as you feel Bruce has some mastery over it – certainly, with ‘I’m always angry’ and he can turn into it at will – I still feel that there’s some part of him that doesn’t completely trust it and doesn’t completely trust himself."

"There’s a battle going on between these two opposing egos that live inside him. He’s definitely worried that the day is going to come when the Hulk gets the best of him, and maybe won’t release him, maybe won’t give him back. The Hulk knows this too. There’s a moment in here where he, begrudgingly, decides to go back to Banner. Who knows where these things will go, but as Bruce is able to impress his will on the Hulk, going into The Hulk and being inside the Hulk when he’s raging, The Hulk’s will is also growing and able to impress upon Bruce. That makes for some wild things. We’re laying the groundwork for that here. It’ll be interesting to see if that ends up being what would be the next Hulk movie."

So does that mean a Hulk film could be coming? Ruffalo stresses that nobody has mentioned anything to him about one, but does acknowledge there's a reason why his version could be better than what we've seen previously...

Ruffalo: "It’s a tough nut to crack. Traditionally you’re watching a guy who doesn’t want to do the very thing that you want him to do. It’s hard to take for two hours. I don’t know how many times you can use that same framing for it, but now he’s maturing and there’s a cool dynamic growing between Banner and The Hulk. And the CGI is so much better. The stuff we can do now, you can do a real performance. I’ve been working with Andy Serkis [at his Imaginarium studio] and he has it set up where you go in there and you just start working on a character. It is so exciting to me, because I can do whatever I can imagine, with a team of people of course.”

The previous rumors have suggested we could see a Planet Hulk storyline followed by World War Hulk, both of which spring out of events in Civil War. The Avengers decide Hulk is too dangerous and launch him into space (he misses all of the Civil War as a result) where he crashes onto a distant gladiatorial planet. With Captain America: Civil War and the two-part Avengers: Infinity War coming it seems like the perfect time if Marvel has plans to follow a similar route. We'll see what happens.