
Nicolas Cage Rejoins 'Ghost Rider 2' Director For Thriller, 'Mom And Dad'

While everyone knows how close Nicolas Cage came to playing the Man of Steel in Tim Burton's Superman Lives, the actor actually did play a superhero a couple of times. Unfortunately, it was Ghost Rider in a pair of stinker movies, the most recent one co-directed by Brian Taylor. Despite that film's flop (and subsequent return of the character to Marvel), Cage and Taylor are set to work together once more on something completely different.

Cage is set to star in the horror-thriller, Mom and Dad, which hopefully will get a title change soon. Taylor will direct from his own screenplay about a teenage girl and her younger brother who must survive a sudden hysteria that causes parents to attack their children.  

Taylor would go on to add that Cage was "put here to play" this particular role, which I think does a disservice to what he was able to accomplish in Raising Arizona, just sayin'.  This could be fun in a way similar to last year's The Visit, and may be worth keeping an eye on. [Variety]