
'Charlie's Angels' Reboot Targets Kristen Stewart & Lupita Nyong'o

Both Kristen Stewart and Lupita Nyong'o have taken different approaches to franchise projects in recent years. Stewart's career took off with Twilight, but since it ended she's done everything in her power to steer clear, with the brief exception of Snow White and the Huntsman. After winning an Oscar for her breakthrough performance in 12 Years A Slave, Nyong'o has jumped straight for blockbusters with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Black Panther, and The Jungle Book.

Different roads or not, they both may end up in the same place as Variety reports they are being sought to star in Sony's reboot of Charlie's Angels. Elizabeth Banks will direct, having been attached to the project since 2015. Narcos writers Carlo Bernard and Doug Miro are taking over the screenplay, which will of course be based on the 1970s TV series (thankfully not the awful 2011 remake) about a trio of badass female crime-fighters who work for a mysterious benefactor. The series became a successful pair of movies in 2000 and 2003 that starred Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu.

Hard to believe that Stewart would want back in on a potentially divisive franchise, while Nyong'o has a ton on her plate already. Perhaps if Sony has a fresh angle on the material it could go a long way in drawing these talented women into the fold.