
Fans Demand Zack Snyder's Cut Of 'Justice League', Won't Get It Though

While I may have a slightly more positive outlook than most, the box office for Justice League is disappointing by any measure. Who knows where Warner Bros. will take the DCEU next, but a certain group of fans already have an idea what they should do right now. An online petition has been started to release Zack Snyder's original cut of the movie, along with the original Junkie XL score, which would make sense if there was one.

I guess the fan who created the petition doesn't realize what it meant when Joss Whedon came aboard as director. Snyder left the project unfinished due to a family tragedy, and Whedon performed mop up duty along with some reshoots of varying degree. But the petition, which hits you with bursts of CAPS LOCK fury, seems to think there is an Ultimate Edition laying around somewhere like there was for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Ain't happenin', hoss.

It's possible that a new version of the film could be assembled, though. I mean, Warner Bros. isn't going to drop yet more cash on a movie they've essentially shot and paid for twice already, but theoretically all of the scenes that were seen in trailers and TV spots that didn't make it into the final cut could be added back in. But that still wouldn't be Snyder's cut, just one put together by some guy in an editing bay.

But speaking of those scenes that didn't make it in, damn there are a lot. Remember the awesome "No Lanterns, no Kryptonian" moment from the post-Comic Con trailer? Nowhere to be found. And the scene with Alfred greeting a mysterious stranger with "He said you'd come"?  Nope.  Clark Kent and Lois Lane's marriage proposal in the cornfield? Nope.  Cyborg's football playing past? Nah, son. For a complete list, check out CBM's breakdown. It's pretty thorough. And after you're done being blown away by what's not in the movie, check below to see all of the Easter Eggs that did make it in.