
James Mangold Gets Behind The Wheel For Film On Ford Vs. Ferrari Rivalry

It's possible you may have missed it, but Logan director James Mangold has been on something of a tirade. What about? Post-credit scenes. Yeah, he hates 'em. Hates 'em like guys named Wolverine hate guys named Scott Summers. He unleashed on them in a Twitter rant a couple of days ago but that was preceded by what he had to say during the Writers Guild Association Beyond Words Panel last week...

“Now we’ve actually gotten audiences addicted to a fucking bonus in the credits. It’s fucking embarrassing. It means you couldn’t land your fucking movie is what it means. Even if you got 100,000 Twitter addicts who are gambling on what fucking scene is going to happen after the fucking credits it’s still cheating.”

Damn, son! Relax! It ain't that serious. Suffice it to say there won't be any need to stick around at the end of Mangold's next movie, which may be shaping up to be about the competition between Ford and Ferrari to develop the fastest car in time for the 1966 Le Mans World Championship. Here's how Variety describes it...

Based on a true story, the film follows an eccentric, determined team of American engineers and designers, led by automotive visionary Carroll Shelby and his British driver, Ken Miles, who are dispatched by Henry Ford II with the mission of building from scratch an entirely new automobile with the potential to finally defeat the perennially dominant Ferrari at the 1966 Le Mans World Championship. The project doesn’t have a formal title, but is known internally as the “Untitled Ford vs. Ferrari Project.”

The project is set up at 20th Century Fox and has screenwriters Jez and John Butterworth attached. If this all sounds slightly familiar, it's because Fox has spent quite a bit of time trying to bring Ferrari's story to the big screen. Most recently it was Christian Bale attached to play Enzo Ferrari in Michael Mann's adaptation of the book, Go Like Hell, but he backed out due to physical concerns. That project has since moved to Legendary.

It's unclear if this will be next up for Mangold but he should have an opening since his Patty Hearts biopic was canceled. That said, he's got a lot on his plate already with an adaptation of Don Winslow's The Force, the giant cat movie Crenshaw, and a possible X-23 movie all in the works.