RD Jr. recently sat down with MTV.com to talk Iron Man 2. Below is an excerpt from the interview:
I love that he's taken the stance that perfection is not a given, that there is a chance they can make an imperfect movie. This is the first step to actually make a great IM2 and an even better crossover Avengers movie, once you realize your not perfect you can look a little closer at what your doing and be more certain your making the right decisions. He's also making a great point about how you meld the different worlds. Sure, on the comic book page Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man can all hang out but in the cinematic world there's a big risk factor for cheese. It's a delicate balance of dedication to the source material and belivability that I think they will be able to pull off. So far so good as The Incredible Hulk was handled in a way that was fully belivable and set the stage for Captain America's super serum. The only one I'm worried about it Thor as he is the only one that really jumps into the supernatural. What do you guys think?
“If we don’t get it right, it’s really going to suck. It has to be the crowning blow of Marvel’s best and brightest, because it’s the hardest thing to get right. It’s tough to spin all the plates for one of these characters,” Downey tells MTV, later adding: “The danger you run with colliding all these worlds is that Jon was very certain that “Iron Man” should be set in a very realistic way. Nothing that happened in Iron Man is really outside the realm of possibility. Once you start talking about Valhalla and supersized super soldiers and jolly green giants, it warrants much further discussion."
I love that he's taken the stance that perfection is not a given, that there is a chance they can make an imperfect movie. This is the first step to actually make a great IM2 and an even better crossover Avengers movie, once you realize your not perfect you can look a little closer at what your doing and be more certain your making the right decisions. He's also making a great point about how you meld the different worlds. Sure, on the comic book page Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man can all hang out but in the cinematic world there's a big risk factor for cheese. It's a delicate balance of dedication to the source material and belivability that I think they will be able to pull off. So far so good as The Incredible Hulk was handled in a way that was fully belivable and set the stage for Captain America's super serum. The only one I'm worried about it Thor as he is the only one that really jumps into the supernatural. What do you guys think?