
Duff, Zegers to Ruin Bonnie and Clyde Film

Reuters is reporting that Hilary Duff and some guy named Kevin Zegers have signed on to play the most famous criminal antiheroes of all-time, Bonnie and Clyde. Mostly unknown director, Tonya Holly, insists this isn't a remake of the Warren Beatty/Faye Dunaway classic.

It better not be. I cringe at the idea of a teeny-bopper Bonnie and Clyde film, replete with furtive glances across the lunchroom table. Ok, that probably won't happen but the casting alone makes it a possibility. Duff has been mostly unimpressive in literally every film I've seen her in, most recently stinking up an already bad War, Inc. This Zegers guy I remember vaguely from Transamerica, but nothing really stands out. This project smells like an unwanted, unnecessary remake. I don't want to see these two no-talents acting out "never before seen" moments from B & C's lives. The death scene should be interesting and fulfilling, though.