
The To-Do List: 1/30/09

This is what happens when I don't see any movies for five whole days. Five whole days! I'm going through withdrawals. There are no less than 6 films out right now that I want to check out, but realistically I'll probably see 4 of them. And what's more, a friend just asked if I wanted to check out the 5-hour long Steven Soderbergh epic, Che, tomorrow at E Street Cinema. Uhhh, yeah! I do! But that effectively wipes out an entire day, and I'll consume so much popcorn during that period I'll be pissing out movie butter for a week.

The big release this week is Liam Neeson's Taken, in which he plays some sort of superspy type guy who's daughter is kidnapped, and now he has 96 hours to get her back. Looks good, and it's written by my boy Luc Besson, so you know I'm going to be first in line to check it out. It's good to see him doing more mainstream stuff lately. Not that I dislike the Angel-A's or District B-13(which I absolutely love and can't wait for the sequel. Will post a trailer soon), but he gained a lot of credibility stateside with The Professional, La Femme Nikita, and The Big Blue. It'd be nice to see him do something on that level again.

The critically acclaimed Wendy and Lucy starring Michelle Williams makes it's debut at E Street Cinema this week, and it's a movie I'd really like to check out. It looks slow, and apparently not a lot happens, but I hear Michelle's performance is simply amazing.

This week Entertainment Weekly ran a story wondering why Brendan Fraser doesn't get more respect. It's because he makes movies that look extremely pointless, like Inkheart does. But part of me still wants to check it out. If I dont it won't kill me, though. I didn't see Journey to the Center of the Earth and I'm still just as alive as ever.

The Uninvited looks interesting, if only to see how Elizabeth Banks pulls off playing an evil, conniving, she-devil of a stepmother.

New in Town is out, and I hope it somehow finds it's way back in. I will fight seeing this film like my life depended on it. Not only does it look like a cheap Sweet Home Alabama knockoff(think about how ass that sounds), but someone has seen fit to make Rene Zellwegger the desireable chick in yet another romantic comedy. Are these people blind? Or do they simple not realize that she looks like a puffer fish that's been dipped in marinara and rinsed off with egg nog? This is not good.

Revolutionary Road is on the verge of becoming one of the forgotten. Kate and Leo deserve better.