
Liefeld and Ratner Team up to Destroy both Movies and Comics!

Ok, anybody know who Rob Liefeld is? He's sorta like the Bret Ratner of comic books. Liefeld was an artist who capitalized on the 90's style of drawing, which meant that nobody gave a damn if all the woman had zeppelin sized boobage, the guys had chests the size of volkswagons, and they all carried guns that would destroy planets if ever fired. He was a hack then, and he was a hack when he left Marvel Comics and pursued his own properties. One of those properties was a team book called Youngblood. Youngblood was Liefeld's piss poor attempt to create his own X-men according to some people. They always seemed more like a retarded man's version of the Avengers to me, but whatever. This comic succeeded for awhile until people actually started looking at the art, and then realized that the stories must've been plotted by someone's 5-year old son.

Bret Ratner is the no-talent director who, atleast in my opinion, succeeded in making Jackie Chan an actor I no longer have any interest in ever seeing again. He's also the only director capable(other than Uwe Bol) of making me loathe an X-men film. I've been reading X-men comics for over 20 years. I live and breathe X-men comics, and even I hated the third film. But Ratner has a fanbase, much like Liefeld had. He has fans because he makes accessible, brainless crapola easy to take in and forget about. His stuff is full of energy and enthusiasm, but lacks in any real artistic talent.

These guys are two peas in a pod. And now, we get to see them work together, because it's being reported that Bret Ratner will be adapating Liefeld's Youngblood into a feature film. This is no good. The combination of these two working on the same property could cause a catastrophic shift in the planet's alignment. It'll be like when those scientists were gonna create that supercollider that MIGHT have caused a black hole and destroyed the earth. This film has the potential to suck on an epic scale. Even Ratner's explanation for this partnership sounds like the man has no firm ideas on why he's doing it:

“Most of the great graphic novels are gone, and ‘Youngblood’ is one of the few comicbooks left with tentpole potential,” Ratner told Daily Variety. “It was a real personal passion project for me, and a lot of people wanted (‘Youngblood’), but the amazing thing about the guys at Reliance is the speed with which they’re able to move.”

Personal passion my black arse. I'll stick with the explanation given in his first sentence: "tentpole potential". It might make money, and that's the only reason why it's being made. I seriously doubt Bret Ratner was sitting around wondering why nobody's capitalized on that huge Badrock following that's so obviously out there. Gimme a break.