
The To-Do List: 2/6/09

I usually do this on Fridays, but since I'll be leaving for Norfolk in a couple hours to go watch grown men slam eachother around in their Speedos™, and won't be back until late I probably won't be in the mood to do it tomorrow. Plus I have the day off and will most likely be spending my day in a darkened theater shoving popcorn down my gullet. If ever there was a week to do it, it'd be this. This is one helluva busy week for movies. I'll be checking out The Uninvited most definitely, since nobody I know cares to see it, but as for the new films droppin' this week...

The Pink Panther 2 is probably the biggest release of the week, and that in itself causes me no end of grief. The first film was immeasurably bad, turning the theater I was at into a Laugh Free Environment(LFE). The thought of seeing this uncalled for sequel makes my stomach hurt.

Push is also out tomorrow, starring Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning as a pair of superpowered "mutants"(for lack of a better term) who are attempting to avoid the clutches of the evil organization, Division. I actually saw this a couple of days ago, and it's a solid film. Very X-men like in it's approach. Worth checking out.

He's Just Not that Into You finally hits theaters, and despite the A-list cast and top shelf broads(Jennifer Connely, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johannson, Ginner Goodwin) populating this thing I know it's going to suck. It looks too painfully trendy for it's own good, and there's something awfully dated about Barrymore claiming to have been "MySpaced" by some dude. It also bugs me that the film is set in Baltimore, yet I see nothing but white people in it. Not that I care about that sortof thing, but I do expect some diversity in a film set in a place like that. Whatever.

The long awaited geek-centric Fanboys finally makes it's way to like...eight movie theaters or something. This one's gonna be a toughie to make, seeing as how the closest showing is in Philadelphia. John and I have discussed maybe planning a one-day trip up there to check it out, as this is a film we've been praising and hyping for months. I wonder if they let you bring cheesesteaks into the movies up in Philly? I intend to find out.

Undoubtedly the film I am most anxious to check out is Coraline, based off the twisted children's book by my favorite author, Neil Gaiman. The film revolves around a young girl, Coraline, who enters a secret door into an alternate reality version of her own life. Filmed in digital 3-D much like My Bloody Valentine, this will hopefully be the second film I check out tomorrow if I have the time. But we shall see how things pan out.