
The Blob gets a Zombie Makeover

It looks like Rob Zombie is going to wrap his grubby little fingers over every iconic horror franchise. Variety is reporting that Zombie, who's Halloween 2 hits theatres today, is signed on to write and direct a remake of The Blob. The 1958 original involves a jelly like creature that falls from outer space and proceeds to consume anybody it comes in contact with. But Zombie has no intention of sticking with the original premise, preferring something a bit more modern. He says..

"My intention is not to have a big red blobby thing -- that's the first thing I want to change," Zombie said. "That gigantic Jello-looking thing might have been scary to audiences in the 1950s, but people would laugh now."

He might be right about that, but why not just make a different movie then? Oh yeah. Marketing. Right. Zombie's been hit or miss with me ever since House of a Thousand Corpses, which I thought was absolutely unwatchable. The Devil's Rejects, on the other hand, was an improvement solely because of the iconic characters within, even if the direction of the film was lousy. I wasn't a fan of Zombie's Halloween, either, but I've heard decent things about the sequel so maybe he can change my mind a little bit.