This Three Stooges movie's turned into a bit of a cluster**** lately. What with Sean Penn stepping down from his role as Larry. Now The Boston Globe is reporting that Jim Carrey isn't on board to play the role of Curly, either. What the heck? Although in this case I look at it as addition by subtraction. The good news is the Farrelly's have found someone more than capable to fill Penn's rather large shoes: Paul Giamatti.
Giamatti had initially been against the idea of tackling the bozo haired member of the classic comedy troupe, referring to him as the "blank slate" of the group at one point. Apparently the idea of putting his own stamp on the character was just too intriguing for him to pass up. Or he has a special desire to get slapped in the face by Benicio Del Toro. One of the two.