
GIJoe....might not suck?

The first reviews are hitting the web for GIJoe: The Rise of Cobra and they actually aren't that bad. I was kind of expecting this, part of the whole 'lowered expectations' theory. Personally I was secretly expecting to like GI Joe, after all I didn't hate Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li and actually had a good time with it, (with the exception of Chris Klein). Yeah, some stuff we've seen looked over the top, cheesey and really downright stupid. That being said I had this feeling that what we saw was out of context and allthough I do expect alot of cheese and silly humor, I also expect alot of action. Ray Park has always been the saving grace for me, casting the man who played Darth Maul as Snake Eyes was an inspired and spot on decision. It pretty much guarantees that any scene he's in will be electric, let's be honest Snake Eyes was always our faviorite character. Will this be the next 'No Country for Old Men'....no! Not in the least, will it be pure entertainment that gives you that little kid feeling as you're walking out of the theater? I have a sneaking suspicion that the answer is yes. Don't get me wrong, it's a certainty that this movie will have it's haters...we bloggers are not a kind sort when it comes to how we think things will be, but I think the general public (see: opinons that really matter) will appreciate this flick for what it is...the definition of a summer popcorn movie. I could be wrong, who knows, but we'll have to just wait and see...one more week!