Heath Ledger's final film, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is a movie we've all heard so much about over the last year however not for good reasons. To be blunt the only reason most of the world knows about it is because Ledger died while filming it. Well, Terry Gilliam's newest now has a full trailer and I'd hate to sound like a broken record with my last few posts but this film looks epic. You can almost tell that they really worked the storyline change they had to make after Ledger died, bringing in Colin Farrell, Johnny Depp, and Jude Law (Comeback kid of 2009?). I've always loved fantasy, things in the vein of Labyrinth and whatnot, that being said I love this trailer and hope to love the full movie even more. I must admit I'm truly saddened by the loss of Heath Ledger after seeing this, just from the small bits of his acting you can almost see that he was hitting his stride and had an amazing career ahead of him.