Most of us were disappointed with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, right? Raise your hands. Good. Despite that, it felt good seeing the hat and whip again, even if a Shia Labeouf was only a few feet away. Well, now the crew is getting back together again after much speculation, most of which perpetuated from Steven Spielberg himself. Now we get confirmation from Harrison Ford from an interview with Le Figaro in France:
"The story for the new Indiana Jones is in the process of taking form. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and myself are agreed on what the fifth adventure will concern, and George is actively at work. If the script is good, I'll be very happy to put the costume on again."
"If the script is good". That didnt' stop you from doing the last film, did it? It doesn't matter, the fact that this is happening has me both psyched and dismayed. If we parse Ford's statement a little bit, it reads as if George Lucas is handling scripting chores himself. That could be a double edged sword. We've seen his handling of certain other legendary franchises and the often childish direction most of those have taken. But then again, this is Indiana Jones. And even at it's worst, it's always going to be fun and thrilling. I'll be keeping my eye on this one.