
New poster for 'Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D'

I know my cohort Travis will not be too pleased that we are promoting this flick, but what can I say the series has been one of my guilty pleasures from the beginning. These movies are the epitome of cable re-watch type movies, every time it's on, doesn't matter which one, I'll end up watching it. Good, cheap sci-fi action, with the addition of some tasty eye candy in Milla Jovovich. That being said I do have MAJOR reservations about this next film in the series. The trailer looked like absolute shit, like the cheesiest of 80's movies to use the 3D gimmick. One of the few nice things about this new wave of 3D is that the movies don't really seem to play up the 3D by having the characters point things at the camera and fly out toward you just to take advantage of this third dimension with a cheap trick. I'm sorry to say that, at least according to the trailer, this movie does just that and plays up to the 3D every chance it gets. I can only hope that this will only be a slight annoyance and this flick will continue the story of my beloved guilty pleasure with some semblance of the first three. Hell...even the poster looks to play up the 3D aspect, but we shall see I suppose.

Poster Courtesy of AICN.com