The Eli Roth produced horror got off to a strong start, beating out the last film in The Exorcist series, 2004's Exorcist: The Beginning
2. Takers
Takers stole a hefty $21M in it's opening weekend, which is about par for most heist flicks. Although, when compared to the very closely related Armored from a few months ago, it more than triple it's $6M opening. The interesting tidbit is that the audience for this was 52% female, meaning that chicks were lining up to get all googly eyed over the virtually all-male cast.
3. The Expendables
The heavyweight champ fell two slots, slipping 44% from last week. It should hit $100M in no time.
4. Eat Pray Love
5. The Other Guys
6. Vampires Suck- $5.3M/$27.9M
This is what it should've made last week. I'm still upset with you, America.
7. Inception
8. Nanny McPhee Returns
The original Nanny McPhee may took in over $120M worldwide, but only $47M of that was domestic. The sequel isn't going to come close to even matching that.
9. The Switch
Really something of a shame. Can we send some of that Vampires Suck money this way?
10. Piranha 3D