* Tony Scott(Man on Fire
* Duncan Jones (Moon
* Matt Reeves (Cloverfield
* Zack Snyder (300
* Jonathan Liebesman (Clash of the Titans 2)
I like the idea of Snyder getting the gig mainly because he has the most experience with comic book adaptations. We can argue about how successful they were, but I personally think he's proven capable of combining serious issues along with tons of action(some of it gratuitous). Jones is another solid choice, only because he's the biggest unknown. Moon
Tony Scott should't even be in contention unless WB wants Superman to look like Domino
Notice somebody not on the list? Jonathan Nolan, who has been the man most people were expecting to be handed the gig thanks to his brother's involvement. I guess it was always a little far fetched to think that Jonathan would make his directorial debut in such a high profile assignment.