
More evidence of a CGI enhanced Superman?

Apparently certain Warner Brothers execs are fitting quite snugly in their Bad Idea Jeans.  In the midst of the rumor a few days ago about Matthew Goode possibly being a contender for the role of Clark Kent in Zack Snyder's Superman relaunch was a note that the director was possibly looking to have the classic red & blue duds beefed up with CGI animation. It's a similar approach WB is using with Green Lantern's emerald outfit for that flick.
According to IESB, this idea has actually been gestating for quite awhile, as they report to having heard it more than six months ago when the plan was to have the entire movie be CGI. That thankfully never came to pass, but according to their inside source, discussions about the fate of Superman's outfit have kicked up again with a director now in place...

"Even when Chris Nolan came aboard the decision was still up in the air but some of those WB execs have started to lean that direction once again now that Zack Snyder has officially come aboard to direct. The idea would be that the new Superman suit would use CGI, basically very similar to what filmmakers have used in the Green Lantern.

Speaking with an FX pro that is currently working on Green Lantern, he has mentioned that some test shots of what a CGI Superman suit would look like have already been done. While he thinks it's possible to get a cool look, there is no reason to go that direction and he is not the only one to feel that way."

The source goes on to say that neither Christoper Nolan or Snyder are fans of this idea. Since that can't be confirmed, take it with a heaping helping of salt.

Personally after seeing the Green Lantern trailer and how corny his suit looked I'm not thrilled with this idea, either. I just find it funny that a guy who is currently working on a CGI Green Lantern would come and essentially say "Yeah that CGI suit thing? Never gonna work. Do somethin' else".