All the good movie news? The stuff guys like me and the hundreds of other movie sites just can't seem to get our hands on? You can find it buried deep in the entertainment section of the Albuquerque Journal. A tipster sent in a whopper of a story to our friends over at Aint It Cool News, stating that The Avengers would soon be shooting in New Mexico, New York, and Michigan. That in itself isn't a big deal. It's the below quote that got everybody's dander up....
"'The Avengers" script will blend 'Iron Man', 'Thor', and 'Captain America: The First Avenger' story lines as the Avengers battle with two alien races, the Skrulls and the Kree."
Say wha? Where the heck did you hear that? What studio insider spilled those delicious little beans? Eh? Oh, nobody. There's no sourcing for the comment, so my guess is that it's not true. Not yet anyway. There's been talk of this possible storyline for awhile now(along with Loki, The Hulk, and even Thanos as possible
enemies), but certainly nothing's been confirmed. You can see the print version of the article below. As noted by AICN, the online version doesn't have any of this stuff. Weird.