
Rumor Killer: No Kree/Skrull War in The Avengers

Real quick: Remember that story a couple of days ago from the Albuquerque Journal stating that The Avengers would be facing off against both the Kree and Skrulls in the upcoming movie? Remember how pretty much everybody, myself included, figured this must've been an unforced error on the newspaper's part because information that big couldn't possibly have slipped by all of us?  Well, it turns out that information didn't slip by all of us.

Superhero Hype recently confirmed that the information used in the story did not come from Marvel, but was merely a research error on the part of the paper.

None of this means there won't be a Kree/Skrull War in the movie. It's just not likely, especially since most of the info we've seen so far has hinted at The Hulk being the center of the trouble, with Loki possibly pulling the strings.