One of the movies I've been waiting to see more of is
Dream House, which features one of my favorite directors in Jim Sheridan(
In America
My Left Foot
), along with Rachel Weisz and Naomi Watts, two women I would pay good money to listen read out of the phone book. Oh, and Daniel Craig is in it, too. Something of a departure for Sheridan, Dream House is about a married couple(Weisz and Craig ironically) who move into what they think is the perfect home, only to be haunted by the previous inhabitants, who had been murdered there before. Kinda sounds like a Guillermo Del Toro flick, doesn't it?
Now that the film has wrapped up shooting,
JustJared has the first image from it, which you can see below...
I'm going to do my damndest to try and get Jim Sheridan for an interview. If I have to sell away my first born to do it I will! Dream House will be released in theaters later this year on September 30th!